
    11th East Kilbride Boy's Brigade

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Church History

On Wednesday 9 May 1979, The Rev Ian D Petrie, Minister of Westwood Parish Church convened a meeting in Mossneuk Primary School in order to start a Sunday School which would meet in Mossneuk Primary School. The Sunday school started in September 1979 and was followed some time later, due to demand, by a Sunday Service.
Mr. Petrie was supported by Miss Muriel Reid, Deaconess; Mr. Duncan Dunsmuir, Session Clerk; Mr. Bill Taylor, Mr. Barclay Sinclair, Mr. Hugh Docherty, Elders; Mrs. Margaret Sherwood, Sunday school Superintendent; the pianists were Mrs. S Trottier, Mr. P Greig, Mr. I Currie and Miss Muriel Reid.
The services started with a congregation of 18 and grew at a continuous rate until it reached 135. The Sunday school also grew and at one point was reaching 200.
Mr. Donald Findlayson built a stand-alone lectern and small Celtic cross and Mr. Dowdican, Janitor of Mossneuk School donated a table lectern for use by the Church and the School. Mrs. C H Stevenson, Head Teacher was very supportive and allocated us storage space for our furniture and Sunday school material.
Mr. Petrie left Westwood to take up a charge at St Andrews, Dundee and the Rev James G Black was chosen as Minister for Westwood Parish Church. As the catchment area at Mossneuk School was growing due to the development of new housing areas, Mr. Black foresaw the need for a parish to be erected at Mossneuk and duly called a meeting of the congregation at Mossneuk. He explained that in order to substantiate the need for a new Parish a census would have to be taken. This was duly completed and the information was collated by Mr. Black and Mr. Findlayson and submitted to Presbytery to present to 121 George Street, Edinburgh.
On Monday 2 May 1989, with Mrs. M Dunlop, Mrs. L Eland, Mr. J Kent and Mr. R Blackwood, I attended Hamilton Presbytery to hear the Moderator; the Rev Hugh R Wyllie read the edict from The National Church Extension Committee to erect a new Parish at Mossneuk with effect from 20 June 1989.
A Kirk Session was formed on Wednesday 28 June 1989 and I was voted in as Session Clerk. Mr. R Hart was Assistant Session Clerk; Mrs. L Holmes, Treasurer; Mrs. L Eland, Sunday School Superintendent; Mr. R Mair, Roll-Keeper; Mr. J Kent, Deed of Covenant Convenor; Mr. E Thorburn, Christian Aid Convenor; Mr. R Thorburn, Presbytery Elder and Mrs. M MacKinnon, Flower Convenor. Mrs. S Pinkerton took up the appointment of Organist and Choir mistress. The first baby to be baptized was Karen Jean Wilson Loggie on the 18 August 1989. The Rev J G Black conducted this and Karen was given a silver Celtic cross to mark the occasion. On the 21 August 1989 the 11th East Kilbride Boys' Brigade was formed and Mr J Leatham was nominated as Captain.
A Minister, Rev S H Robertsdon, was appointed to Mossneuk and inducted on Tuesday 21 November 1989.
A stainless steel Cross-was presented by Mr. George Rodger of East Kilbride Group Training Association Ltd.
Mr. J Kent, collected the congregation's Green Shield Stamps, Petrol Coupons etc which supplied over £l,000 of household equipment. The Ladies Friendship Circle which was formed in February 1990 raised £5,000 through their work party led by Veda Stewart and gifted the Baptismal Font, crockery and cutlery to the> Messrs Stocks started building the Church on Monday 18 May 1992 and the Foundation Stone inscribed "Your Word Is A Lamp To My Feet A Light On My Path" was laid by The Moderator, the Right Rev Hugh R Wyllie and the keys of the Church were handed over on Thursday 11 February 1993. The Pulpit, Communion Table, Elders' Chairs and Communion Elements were gifted from Newbridgegate Church and the Lectern from Camphill Queens Park, both Glasgow Churches sadly closed. We were informed by Mr. T Dempster of Camphill that Albert Schweitzer and Eric Liddell had preached from the Lectern. The last service in the school was Sunday 4 April 1993 and the Right Reverend Hugh R Wyllie, the Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Friday 7 May 1993 conducted the Dedication Service.
During the 14 years we worshipped at the School we were supported by Mrs. C H Stevenson, Head Teacher; Mr. L Dowdican, Janitor; and latterly by Mrs. J E Bruce, Head Teacher; Mrs. B Reidy, Janitor; also the staff of the School Lets Department, Civic Centre - we are indebted to them and extend our thanks to them. Their contribution together with that of the Kirk Session and members of the Sunday School and congregation made Mossneuk Church what it is - a happy, caring congregation.

This Information Is Property of Mr. J. Dunlop.